Running the docker service

1 - Clone this repo and cd into it

git clone
cd zero-wallet-backend-service

2 - Fill in the config.sample.yaml file with your own config and rename it to config.yaml

Follow instructions here in order to fill the config.yaml file.

3 - Build the docker image:

docker build . -t zero-wallet-backend-service

4 - Then run the container:

docker run --network=host zero-wallet-backend-service

Server endpoints

This service exposes several API endpoints to be used in the frontend part, note that you should only change <DOMAIN> to the domain where you're deploying the service.

nonceProvider : http://<DOMAIN>/api/auth/getNonce
nonceRefresher : http://<DOMAIN>/api/auth/refreshNonce
authorizer : http://<DOMAIN>/api/auth/authorize
gasStation : http://<DOMAIN>/api/tx/send
transactionBuilder : http://<DOMAIN>/api/tx/build
scwDeployer : http://<DOMAIN>/api/tx/deploy

Last updated